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id title description subtitle
Serverless Drivers
Connecting to your Postgres database in serverless environments.
Connecting to your Postgres database in serverless environments.

Supabase provides several options for connecting to your Postgres database from serverless environments.

supabase-js is an isomorphic JavaScript client that uses the auto-generated REST API and therefore works in any environment that supports HTTPS connections. This API has a built-in connection pooler and can serve thousands of simultaneous requests, and therefore is ideal for Serverless workloads.

Vercel Edge Functions

Vercel's Edge runtime is built on top of the V8 engine, that provides a limited set of Web Standard APIs.


Choose one of these Vercel Deploy Templates which use our Vercel Deploy Integration to automatically configure your connection strings as environment variables on your Vercel project!

{[ { title: 'supabase-js', hasLightIcon: true, href: '', description: 'A Next.js App Router template configured with cookie-based auth using Supabase, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.' }, /* { TODO: Link the correct next.js template that uses drizzle ORM with supabase database. hasLightIcon: true, href: '', description: "Simple Next.js template that uses Supabase as the database and Drizzle as the ORM.", },*/ { title: 'Kysely', hasLightIcon: true, href: '', description: 'Simple Next.js template that uses Supabase as the database and Kysely as the query builder.', }, /* { TODO: figure out how to get around Prisma accelerate requirement... title: 'Prisma', hasLightIcon: true, href: '', description: 'Simple Next.js template that uses Vercel Postgres as the database and Prisma as the ORM.', } */ ].map((resource) => { return ( {resource.description} )


Manual configuration

In your Database Settings, make sure Use connection pooler is checked and Transaction mode is selected, then copy the URI and save it as the POSTGRES_URL environment variable. Remember to replace the password placeholder with your actual database password and add the following suffix ?workaround=supabase-pooler.vercel.

import { pgTable, serial, text, timestamp, uniqueIndex } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'
import { InferSelectModel, InferInsertModel } from 'drizzle-orm'
import { sql } from '@vercel/postgres'
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/vercel-postgres'

export const UsersTable = pgTable(
    id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
    name: text('name').notNull(),
    email: text('email').notNull(),
    image: text('image').notNull(),
    createdAt: timestamp('createdAt').defaultNow().notNull(),
  (users) => {
    return {
      uniqueIdx: uniqueIndex('unique_idx').on(,

export type User = InferSelectModel<typeof UsersTable>
export type NewUser = InferInsertModel<typeof UsersTable>

// Connect to Vercel Postgres
export const db = drizzle(sql)
import { Generated, ColumnType } from 'kysely'
import { createKysely } from '@vercel/postgres-kysely'

interface UserTable {
  // Columns that are generated by the database should be marked
  // using the `Generated` type. This way they are automatically
  // made optional in inserts and updates.
  id: Generated<number>
  name: string
  email: string
  image: string

  // You can specify a different type for each operation (select, insert and
  // update) using the `ColumnType<SelectType, InsertType, UpdateType>`
  // wrapper. Here we define a column `createdAt` that is selected as
  // a `Date`, can optionally be provided as a `string` in inserts and
  // can never be updated:
  createdAt: ColumnType<Date, string | undefined, never>

// Keys of this interface are table names.
export interface Database {
  users: UserTable

export const db = createKysely<Database>()
export { sql } from 'kysely'

Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare's Workers runtime also uses the V8 engine but provides polyfills for a subset of Node.js APIs and TCP Sockets API, giving you a couple of options:

Supabase Edge Functions

Supabase Edge Functions uses the Deno runtime which has native support for TCP connections allowing you to choose your favorite client: